Offer details

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Before taking this step, make sure to agree in the chat with the seller about the list of assets that will be transferred.
The deal price
Total contract amount
Microns commission (5%)
The amount of money you will receive
Assets added by buyer
Key - value

Offer details

Adam Borflovski
Comment from Buyer
You can place any comments left by the buyer during the agreement formation here. If no comment was left, then remove this entire comment section

Select a payment method

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Which payment method would be convenient 
for you to use?
The amount of money you will receive

Payment details

Account holder
Routing number
Account number
Account type
Bank name and address

Offer details

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Before taking this step, make sure to agree in the chat with the seller about the list of assets that will be transferred.
Select who you are*
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
ZIP Code*
Registration Number*

Please type your sign below

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Sign, leave a comment and send your offer to the seller.
Type your sign
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
Example: Alex Mostern (your First and Last name)
Additional comment to the buyer
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

You successfully signed agreement

We will send you an email with a confirmation of the offer and invoice in a few minutes. You can find the contract and invoice on the offer page.
Open offer page
Decline offer
Next Step